Friday, October 28, 2011

Pink Roses!

I have the sweetest husband...just throwing that out there! 
After our ultrasound where we found out we were having a little girl, we both went our seperate ways, I went back to work and Matt was off to the airport. I was a bit sad that we weren't able to "celebrate" that evening together since Matt was traveling for work...but oh well. Anyhow, that afternoon at work I got a special delivery! Matt had sent me a dozen pink roses for our little girl!
Its the little things in life!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

19 weeks!!

How far Along: 19 weeks

Maternity clothes: My clothes are finally getting a little uncomfortable. I can still wear everything but my pants are getting tight. I'm going to invest in a bella band this week! 

Weight Gain: 5 lbs

Stretch Marks: not yet...hopefully I never will :-)

Sleep: This is not improving, but no worse either. My shoulders hurt from laying on my sides all night. I like sleeping on my back but you aren't supposed to anymore.

What I miss:  Sleeping normal!

This week: Baby is definately moving around!! I feel her everyday now especially if I haven't eaten in awhile!! Matt actually felt a little kick last weekend, so that was exciting!

Symptoms:  I get light headed if I get up too fast, either from bed or during the day at work. Apparently blood pressure is particularly low in the 2nd trimester. Other than that, I feel great! 

Cravings:  I'm still struggling with chocolate! It doesn't help that around our office all the halloween candy is out, so its way to easy to indulge!

What I'm looking forward to:  Getting the nursery started. We didn't quite get to anything this weekend BUT we did decide on a paint color.
I also registered...well started it at least at Babies R Us. I'm sure I'll continue to add to it but its a start, right!

Next Friday we go back to the doctor for our 20 week (5 month!!!) visit. I'm anxious to go as I feel like its been SO long since we were there last. I'm making myself nervous about leaving the country in a few weeks for our Mexico trip as well. I have no good reason to but I keep thinking what if something happened while in Mexico!! ahhhh! Then I tell myself that people in Mexico are pregnant too and give birth in that country and survive. haha

I'll share a picture I took last week of the "bump". There is a little one but I really think I look like I have a beer belly. I do have a book that you keep weekly pictures of it but keep in mind, Matt is gone all week, so its all on me to take the picture, so I have to get creative and take it in the mirror!! Don't laugh!

18.5 weeks

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Week 18...4.5 months along!

How far Along: 18 weeks

Maternity clothes: Not yet..still in my regular clothes.

Weight Gain: My weight fluctates a bit. This morning I weighed myself and I was still holding steady at 3.5 lbs above my pre-pregnancy weight.

Stretch Marks: nope

Sleep: ahhh, still so, so. Seriously, these dreams I have are really annoying and I wish the dreams would stop. I was actually reading in one of my pregnancy books last night about this and everything I'm dreaming about is completely standard for pregnancy. Its really weird though!

What I miss:  Par-taking in happy hour. A few of my friends asked me to happy hour and as much as I want to see them and catch up, happy hour doesn't quite have the same appeal as it once did :-)

This week: I think I felt the baby move last night!! I'm 99% sure anyways. We were in bed and I was pushing on my stomach and could feel movement, I'm guessing it was in response to me poking and prodding at her. It was exciting though! I'm excited to feel more movement!

Symptoms:  headaches but other than that, not much really.

Cravings:  I'm on a chocolate kick right now. Where I was getting much more disciplined about what I ate before I got pregnant...that is now out the window.

What I'm looking forward to: creating the nursery! Matt currently has his home office set up in the room that we will use for the baby. So, we are going to set up Matt's office in a different room this weekend, so its a small step!

The countdown is on...for Mexico!

In about one month from now, we will be sitting on the beach all day long, basking in the sun and enjoying unlimited pina colada's (virgin for me, of course!).

We are heading to Cancun over Thanksgiving this year with Matt's parents. This is a first for us all, as I'm usually big on spending the holidays with all our family but this year, we are getting away for the holiday! I'm really excited for our trip, which has now turned into our babymoon too :-) When we booked the trip, I was not pregnant, so I wasn't planning on going to Mexico and NOT drinking while there. I mean, beer and mexico just go together!! This will definately be an interesting change to my daily vacation agenda that I'm accustomed to. All for the good though! :-)   Anyways, I'm starting the one month countdown this week for our trip.

OH and I can't forget to mention, I have now begun a search for a swimsuit. Normally, no big deal. However, now I'm trying to find a suit for a 6 month pregnant easy task.  As most probably haven't noticed lately, maternity suits are not all that "cute" or really my style. So, the search is on going for something cute. At this point, I'm thinking I'll just be buying a few tankini's and ordering a size up. I have NO clue how big (or not) i'll be in a month. At this point, I have only gained maybe 5 lbs  (and wearing my clothes just fine) and I think people are beginning to question if I am really, truly pregnant or not.  I'll need all the luck I can get in this search....

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Week 17

How far Along: 17 weeks

Maternity clothes: No...BUT some of my work pants are beginning to get tight around the waist. My jeans all fit pretty well but ummm, I must admit, I'm not in any hurry to go buy a new wardrobe so I'll wear my clothes as long as I can :-)

Weight Gain: I still haven't really gained much...maybe 3 pounds. I can't eat alot at once so I eat alot throughout the day. If I sit down to eat dinner, or even lunch, I get SO full so quick. I'm guessing its becuase there is less room?! I haven't noticed any increase in appetite really either. Although, on the weekly update I get it did say the baby would be going into a growth spurt over the next few weeks, so I may start to notice a difference sooner than later.

Stretch Marks: nope
On the sleep topic, my poor husband has to be bored with me. On weekends, I can't stay up IF we are at home. If I'm busy, out and about, I'm fine. But the second I sit on the couch, I'm out...even if its 8pm. We got a movie Friday night and I think I lasted past the previews but not sure. I am exhausted in the evenings AND i thought this would be better in the 2nd trimester but its not yet!! (see pic below)

Best Moment of the week: Seeing the baby was healthy and growing as she should and of course finding out its a GIRL!!!

Gender:  see above :-)

What I miss:  Not having crazy dreams and sleeping better than I am now.

Symptoms:  I still am fairly symptom free. I have noticed more headaches lately and my lower back aches alot.

Cravings:  Cravings have subsided recently. I was craving ice cream, which I still do but with less intensity. I think now I'm just used to eating ice cream so I want it. Other than that,  I crave fruit related food, so thats a plus!

What I'm looking forward to: Finally I can buy things for a baby girl! I haven't purchased one thing because I didn't know what the baby was going to be...I'm free to shop and plan the nursery accordingly now! woo hoo

Matt took this picture of me and both dogs passed out on the couch Friday night (probably at 8:30pm)! Isn't he sweet!   I am only posting it for a good can barely see little Sig's ears in the back behind Brice!!

Sleep: I have been having crazy dreams and lots of them...I don't like this change!! I feel like I'm never in a deep sleep! Plus from my dreams (Ill spare the details) I think I have anxiety of something happening in general to the baby/pregnancy. I worry about everything, so this is no big surprise!

We have a GIRL!!

Yesterday was the big day...although really it was just confirmation of what we pretty much already knew. We had the anatomy scan and it was confirmed we have a little girl on the way! I immediately starting thinking about starting my shopping for her, of course!! I've been putting it off until we knew 100% it was a girl. So, as I told Matt, let the shopping commence :-)
17 weeks 2 days
So I know the clarity isn't the best on this picture, but I swear her nose looks like Matt's!! I'm anxious to see how this changes throughout...but as for know, she has his nose!

The scan went well and her organs are all looking great and as they should with no issues, so thats a huge relief. I had higher levels of AFP in my blood (some protein the baby makes) which they will monitor throughout the pregnancy to ensure that nothing develops due to this but I'm keeping my fingers crossed all is fine, as the doctors reassured us many women with high levels do fine thoughout the 3rd trimester with no issues.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Happy Fall Ya'll!

Now that football season is in full swing, it seems like our lives are centered around it lately. For the past 4 weekends, we have traveled to Columbia bright & early every Saturday morning to spend the entire day tailgating with friends and then heading into the game at night. Theeennnn...making the 2 hour trek back home around 10pm or so. *On a side note: did I mention how much fun it is for me to tailgate these days. I get to spend a good 8  hours watching every single person drink...and drink alot. I am not a big fan of the sobreity going on BUT I do know its for a good reason. I'm just sayin' its a whole different experience tailgating/football when you don't get to partake with everyone else. :-) I'll get it through it if I have a choice in the matter. 
Needless to say I feel like weekends have been flying by and that I don't get anything done really. Until this weekend...thats right, I get a break from college football. I always intend to do more blogging but it Wednesday before I even think about it! But, in a nutshell that has been our life the past month. And I shouldn't fail to mention that Brice, the (insert saracasm) sweet, adorable puppy has the Mange. Yes, the Mange...I know it sounds like some awful disease that dogs who are not taken care of and live in the streets develop BUT its not that bad or uncommon apparently. I guess puppies are at more of risk due to their immune system not being fully developed. His isn't bad at all, but we noticed b/c he had a few "hairless" spots developing on his neck. Matt took him to the vet (which we actually make it 2 whole months w/o visiting for once!) and he got some drops for him and he is on his way to a fur-filled neck once again. 

"What did I do?" 

I'm heading to Greenville Saturday to visit one of my very best friends, Becky and her new lil boy Tucker! I can't wait to spend time with her and meet Tucker, finally!! Then, the following weekend, my sweet honey and I are heading to the mountains for the weekend and I CAN'T wait! 2 whole weekends without football...well without attending a football game. I'm sure we will be in a sports bar watching somewhere but at this point, I'll take it.