Monday, July 25, 2011

Boating, Boating & more Boating

Pretty  much sums up our summer so far. In May, Matt & I finally made the decision to buy a boat, after more than a year of talking about it. Of course, we got all the usual boat comments in regards to what a bad idea it is- in particular the 2 best days are the day you buy it and the day you sell it...yeah, yeah, heard it all. However, we were prepared for all the was to come with the joys of boat ownership (or so we thought).
All kidding aside, we have really enjoyed it and had a great time so far this summer. We have had the dogs out a few times with us, I enjoying taking them as they are so darn cute in their little life jackets!! They don't enjoy them nearly as much as I do though.

Get this thing off me!

Sig LOVES the water!

I'm not so sure about this yet!
 We busted out the kneeboard that Bill was nice enough to give to us a few weeks back. That was interesting to say the least!! Matt & Jess were both pro's at it, however the rest of us that have attempted it, didn't do so hot. Its really hard to get up on but its definately entertaining. And not to worry, we have already gone through one prop ($150 down the drain).  We apparently hit something, no clue what but if i were to guess I'd say an alligator bit it, thats what it looks like (plus I was driving when it happened so I'm going to blame it on anything else other than my abilities).
We are determined to use the boat as much as possible considering it will sit in storage for 5 months out of the year. If you want to go boating- let us know and come visit!
Captain Matt

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